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Research Engineer, Mine Paris
Andrea Michiorri is a Research Engineer at the Centre for Energy and Process of Mines Paristech within the group ERSEI. In this group he is the responsible for researches on the area of intelligent networks and the integration of distributed and renewables resources. His current research interests are in the application of proactive predictive techniques to the management of the power system and on power system components dynamic thermal rating. Andrea obtained a MEng in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and a PhD from the School of Engineering of Durham University (UK). Before joining Mines-Paristech he worked for Smarter Grid Solutions.


  • 1970-1970,罗马大学,硕士
  • 1970-1970,杜伦大学工程学院,博士


  • Michiorri, A.; Taylor, PC; Jupe, SCE; Berry, CJ;;Investigation into the influence of environmental conditions on power system ratings", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy",223,7,743-757,2009,Prof Eng Publishing
  • Jupe, SCE; Taylor, PC; Michiorri, A.;;Coordinated output control of multiple distributed generation schemes", Renewable Power Generation, IET",4,3,283-297,2010,IET
  • Michiorri, A.; Taylor, PC; Jupe, SCE;;Overhead line real-time rating estimation algorithm: description and validation", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy",224,3,293-304,2010,Sage Publications
  • Michiorri, A.; Taylor, P.C.;;Forecasting real-time ratings for electricity distribution networks using weather forecast data" Electricity Distribution-Part 1, 2009. CIRED 2009. 20th International Conference and Exhibition on", 1-4, 2009, IET
  • Roberts, D.; Taylor, P.; Michiorri, A.;;Dynamic thermal rating for increasing network capacity and delaying network reinforcements", SmartGrids for Distribution, 2008. IET-CIRED. CIRED Seminar", 1-4, 2008, IET,
  • Samuel C. E. Jupe, Andrea Michiorri and Philip C. Taylor (2009). "Increasing the Energy Yield of Generation from New and Renewable Energy Resources", Renewable Energy, T J Hammons (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-7619-52-7, InTech
  • MICHIORRI, A.; ,"Power system real-time thermal rating estimation", 2010, Durham University
  • Andrea MICHIORRI, Robert CURRIE, Philip TAYLOR, D.M.; ,DYNAMIC LINE RATINGS DEPLOYMENT ON THE ORKNEY SMART GRID, CIRED 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution,2011,
  • Andrea MICHIORRI, Robert CURRIE, Gareth McLORN,; ,"AN ASSESSMENT OF THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ACTIVE NETWORK MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES", CIRED 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2011