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  • 2014 ~ 2018,法国卡尚高师(巴黎-萨克雷大学) 博士
  • 2012 ~ 2014,法国巴黎国立高等矿业学院 学士
  • 2008 ~ 2012,上海交通大学材料科学与工程专业 学士


  • 2023 ~ 至今,上海交通大学 巴黎卓越工程师学院 & 材料科学与工程学院,副教授
  • 2018 ~ 2022,上海交通大学 巴黎卓越工程师学院 & 材料科学与工程学院,讲师




    (法)马诺,施奇伟,(法)马雅科. 流体力学基础(法语版),上海交通大学出版社,2022年10月

    (法)马雅科,钟圣怡,袁怡佳,(法)丰杰礼,施奇伟. 电子电路基础(法文版),上海交通大学出版社,2020年11月


  • 材料力学,晶体塑性力学,电子显微学,背向散射电子衍射(EBSD),衍射技术,图像处理,数码图像追踪(DIC) 本研究课题常年招收本科生、研究生,欢迎对图像处理、晶体学、固体力学相关研究感兴趣的同学随时联系!


  • Materials Aging Institute, EdF (法国电力集团材料老化研究所),Absolute stress measurement at the micrometric scale (微观尺度下的绝对应力测量),15万欧元 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,多晶材料微纳尺度高分辨EBSD综合表征技术研究,53万元 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人
  • 泰思肯电镜公司青年基金,降低背散射电子衍射标定误差的两种方法 , 科研项目 , 省部级 , 负责人
  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目,微纳米尺度下晶体材料弹塑性行为的高分辨率EBSD技术研究,24万元 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人


  • Y. Tang, C. Liu, J. Liu, C. Zhang, H. Chen, Q. Shi, C. Dan, H. Wang, and Z. Chen. Improving the ductility of Al matrix composites through bimodal structures: Precise manipulation and mechanical responses to coarse grain fraction. Materials Science and Engineering: A, page 145139, 2023.
  • Q. Shi, H. Zhong, D. Loisnard, L. Wang, Z. Chen, H. Wang, and S. Roux. Enhanced EBSD calibration accuracy based on gradients of diffraction patterns. Materials Characterization, 202:113022, 2023.
  • J. Liu, C. Liu, H. Cai, C. Zhang, C. Dan, Q. Shi, H. Wang, and Z. Chen. Enhanced precipitate strengthening in particulates reinforced Al-Zn-Mg-Cu composites via bimodal structure design and optimum aging strategy. Composites Part B: Engineering, page 110772, 2023.
  • S. Zong, X. You, J. Yang, C. Dan, L. Jin, Q. Shi, H. Wang, and Z. Chen. The correlation of slip transmission/blockage with the fracture in Al-Mg alloy. Scripta Materialia, 230:115402, 2023.
  • Y. Chen, C. Dan, Q. Shi, L. Jin, J. Liu, C. Chen, C. Li, H. Wang, and Z. Chen. Influence of heating rate on the recrystallization temperature of Al-Mg alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 22:2206–2211, 2023.
  • Q. Shi, E. Plancher, D. Loisnard, P. Karamched, J. Liu, Z. Chen, H. Wang, and S. Roux. Improved high-resolution EBSD analyses by correcting radial distortion of electron diffraction patterns. Materials Characterization, 194:112458, 2022.
  • Q. Shi, L. Jiao, D. Loisnard, C. Dan, Z. Chen, H. Wang, and S. Roux. Improved EBSD indexation accuracy by considering energy distribution of diffraction patterns. Materials Characterization, 188:111909, 2022.
  • H. Su, X. Lin, Y. Wang, X. Liu, Z. Qin, Q. Shi, Q. Han, Y. Zhang, and L. Han. Stable perovskite solar cells with 23.12% efficiency and area over 1 cm2 by an all-in-one strategy. Science China-Chemistry, 65:1321–1329, 2022.
  • P. Rong, F. Zhang, Q. Yang, H. Chen, Q. Shi, S. Zhong, Z. Chen, and H. Wang. Processing Laue microdiffraction raster scanning patterns with machine learning algorithms: A case study with a fatigued polycrystalline sample. Materials, 15(4):1502, 2022.
  • Q. Shi, Y. Zhou, H. Zhong, D. Loisnard, C. Dan, F. Zhang, Z. Chen, H. Wang, and S. Roux. Indexation of electron diffraction patterns at grain boundaries. Materials Characterization, 182:111553, 2021.
  • Q. Shi, D. Loisnard, C. Dan, F. Zhang, H. Zhong, H. Li, Y. Li, Z. Chen, H. Wang, and S. Roux. Calibration of crystal orientation and pattern center of EBSD using integrated digital image correlation. Materials Characterization, 178:111206, 2021.
  • H. Zhong, Q. Shi, Z. Chen, C. Dan, S. Zhong, and H. Wang. Residual-based pattern center calibration in high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction. Micron, 146:103081, 2021.
  • J. Liu, Q. Zhang, Z. Chen, L. Wang, G. Ji, Q. Shi, Y. Wu, F. Zhang, and H. Wang. Fabrication of fine grain structures in al matrices at elevated temperature by the stimulation of dual-size particles. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 805:140614, 2021.
  • Q. Yang, D. Cheng, F. Zhang, Q. Shi, Z. Chen, M. Wang, S. Zhong, Y. Wu, and H. Wang. Spark plasma sintering mechanisms of the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys and TiB2/Al-Zn-Mg-Cu composites. Materials Characterization, 172:110825, 2021.
  • H. Zhu, J. Liu, Y. Wu, Q. Zhang, Q. Shi, Z. Chen, L. Wang, F. Zhang, and H. Wang. Hot deformation behavior and workability of in-situ TiB2/7050Al composites fabricated by powder metallurgy. Materials, 13(23):5319, 2020.
  • J. Li, J. Liu, L. Wang, Z. Chen, Q. Shi, C. Dan, Y. Wu, S. Zhong, and H. Wang. Anisotropic behavior of TiB2 nanoparticles reinforced 2024Al composites rolling sheet. Materials Characterization, 162:110196, 2020.
  • F. Lin, Q. Shi, and L. Delannay. Microscopic heterogeneity of plastic strain and lattice rotation in partially recrystallized copper polycrystals. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 184:167–177, 2020.
  • Q. Shi, S. Roux, F. Latourte, and F. Hild. Estimation of elastic strain by integrated image correlation on electron diffraction patterns. Ultramicroscopy, 199:16–33, 2019.
  • Q. Shi, S. Roux, F. Latourte, F. Hild, D. Loisnard, and N. Brynaert. Measuring topographies from conventional SEM acquisitions. Ultramicroscopy, 191:18 – 33, 2018.
  • Q. Shi, S. Roux, F. Latourte, F. Hild, D. Loisnard, and N. Brynaert. On the use of SEM correlative tools for in situ mechanical tests. Ultramicroscopy, 184(Part A):71 – 87, 2018.
  • Q. Shi, F. Latourte, F. Hild, and S. Roux. Backtracking depth-resolved microstructures for crystal plasticity identification - Part 2: Identification. JOM, 69(12):2803–2809, 2017.
  • Q. Shi, F. Latourte, F. Hild, and S. Roux. Backtracking depth-resolved microstructures for crystal plasticity identification - Part 1: Backtracking microstructures. JOM, 69(12):2810–2818, 2017.
  • Q. Shi, F. Latourte, F. Hild, and S. Roux. Quaternion correlation for tracking crystal motions. Measurement Science and Technology, 27(9):095006, 2016.
  • G. Yang, J. Li, Q. Shi, and L. Kong. Structural and dynamical properties of heterogeneous solid-liquid Ta-Cu interfaces: A molecular dynamics study. Computational Materials Science, 86:64 – 72, 2014.
  • L. Wang, Z. Lin, X. Wang, Q. Shi, W. Yin, D. Zhang, Z. Liu, and W. Lu. Effect of aging treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti27Nb2Ta3Zr &beta titanium alloy for implant applications. Materials Transactions, 55(1):141–146, 2014.
  • L. Kong, J. Li, Q. Shi, H. Huang, and K. Zhao. Dynamical stability of iron under high-temperature and high-pressure conditions. Europhysics Letters, 97(5):56004, 2012.
  • Q. Shi. Experimental and numerical studies on the micromechanical crystal plasticity behavior of an RPV steel. PhD thesis, University of Paris-Saclay, April 2018.
  • Q. Shi, F. Latourte, and G. Cailletaud. Micro-mechanical failure model of a ferritic-bainitic steel: consequence and interests of a dual-phase polycrystalline model. In 22eme Congres Francais de Mécanique, Lyon, France, 2015.


  • 校正粒子衍射图像图案中心和欧拉角的方法、系统及介质,2022-01-01,CN112797923 B,施奇伟,张丰果,但承益,钟圣怡,陈哲,王浩伟
  • 校正粒子衍射图像图案中心和欧拉角的方法、系统及介质,2021-01-01,CN112213339 B,施奇伟,张丰果,但承益,钟圣怡,陈哲,王浩伟
  • Method, Device and program for processing diffraction images of a crystalline material,2020-01-01,US patent 20200349690,F. Latourte, Q. Shi, F. Hild, S. Roux
  • 测量单晶晶向的方法、系统及介质,2022-09-01,CN202210343742,施奇伟,刘晫苒,但承益,钟圣怡,陈哲,王浩伟


  • 上海交通大学巴黎卓越工程师学院青年教师教学竞赛一等奖
  • 上海交通大学青年教师教学竞赛二等奖